Strategy, Psychology & Technology-Based Campaigning
We act behind the scenes. Everywhere in the world. Around the clock. In democracies, political candidates are dependent on the approval of their voters. For this task, there are professionals who support you to successfully communicate your political achievements. In the media, we are referred to as “political advisers”, “communication experts” or “spin doctors”. What we do for you: We analyze and shape public opinions. We bring you into the media and produce professional political advertising. We develop innovative technologies and strengthen the participation of people within your constituency. We have a clear goal: to bring you to power and to keep you there.

Countries worked (Germany, USA, France, Austria, Ukraine, Slovakia...)
Political candidates, political groups and incumbents
Contacted voters in different countries
EAPC Polaris Award Winner
Category: Presidential Elections, Mobilization
Achieved Award (2018): GOLD
Prized Project (Austria, 2017: with Bundeskanzler Christian Kern): “Largest Live-Discussion (ever done in Europe) by using a High-Tech-Instrument for Mass Mobilization, Crisis Communication and Political Participation”

Founded in 2008 by Dr. Reza Kazemi and Partners our company – CAMPAIGNS & TECHNOLOGY – specialized in international election campaigning and the use of innovative campaign technologies. Our clients include, above all, prominent personalities and political leaders – from the local level (mayors, district councils, …) to the supra-regional level (Bundestag candidates, state parliament candidates, state organizations and federal organizations of the parties), as well as local governments, political groups, as well as NGOs and companies. However we do not cooperate with parties, persons or organizations, who reject democratic structures and incite against certain groups of people and minorities.
Over the last few years, we have participated in various election campaigns in Europe. Our partner network includes campaign consultants who bring forward credible credentials and results from municipal election campaigns, mayoral election campaigns, district elections, state elections and Bundestag candidates to presidential and electoral campaigns for MEPs. Our network of consultants includes, to a large extent, campaign advisors who can provide comprehensive references, from municipal campaigns to campaigns for MEPs, as well as to presidential campaigns in the US, France, Ukraine, Slovakia, Austria and other countries. Our campaign consultants bring years of experience in international election campaigns and election victory advice. In recent years we have been increasingly involved in various campaigns across Europe and other continents.
This is how an election campaign works: 15x core modules for building up your campaign
Are you having a municipal, mayoral or general election campaign?
And do you want to know how an effective door-to-door election campaign is build up or which of the 11x most important recommendations you should know before running as a candidate?
Then you are right be here: HERE you can request your personal E-Book.
Campaign Consultation: “How we will support you in winning your campaign by using 3x steps!”

KNOW WHY campaigning is important
Election Campaign Basics: Why you underestimate the effort to be successful in ypur election campaign and why it is so important to constantly conduct a professional election campaign…
KNOW WHAT in campaigning is important
15x Core Modules to build up a successfull election campaign: The 15x cornerstones you have to consider for building up your election campaign, why it damages orientation and liability and why you most often hang around in your political day-to-day business – instead of being highly effective.
KNOW WHICH things in campaigning are effective
Inner attitude and awareness about the most effective techniques: The mindset that you lack for significantly convincing more people and how you train yourself with our simple method of gaining more persuading power…
Get a free initial consultation to optimize your election campaign!
Create Political Profiles: Image, Perception and Impact of Candidate Appearances
The Motivation: During his Ph.D. research, Dr. Reza Kazemi discovered many exciting scientific findings in the areas of “Political Marketing” and “Campaign Psychology”. This knowledge, empirically derived in his research laboratory, is linked to years of experience in the practice of political communication. Hundreds of candidates have benefited from the formulas, instruments, methods and concepts developed from his and his company’s experiences. Here you will learn these methods. Now take advantage and get to know more about all invisible patterns on how elections can be won.

Dr. Reza Kazemi: zur Person & Gründung
Dr. rer. pol. Dipl. Wirtsch.-Ing. Reza Kazemi (PhD.) is the owner of CAMPAIGNS & TECHNOLOGY, an international company specializing in voter psychology & campaigning technology. The company founded by him gained worldwide reputation through the introduction of “TalkTOO” technology, a tool that allows thousands of people to have an interactive live discussion over the phone. Further information can be received by contacting us per email.
Hessian Broadcast Channel (HR1): Interview with Dr. Kazemi regarding the Federal Presidential Election in Germany
Campaign Advisor and Political Marketing Specialist Dr. Reza Kazemi offers insights into to the exciting question: “How do I become President of Germany, how do you put it in the right light and which processes are going on in the background?”. In addition a brief insight is given, on how “spin-doctors” influence the image of candidates.
To the expert: Dr. med. Reza Kazemi is co-founder and owner of “Campaigns & Technology”, an internationally active campaign agency – assisting numerous political candidates and parties from local to national level in different countries.
NEWS ONE: Television-Presenter Oleg Voloshin in interview with Dr. Reza Kazemi, speaking about “Election Psychology, Voter Perceptions and Political Campaigns in Ukraine, Germany & EU”
Dr. Reza Kazemi, owner of CAMPAIGNS & TECHNOLOGY, regularly comments and analyzes Happenings around Political Campaigns for leading international media (Press, Radio and TV) focusing on election campaigns, voter perceptions, candidate images, political communication, PR campaigns and digital media. In addition to the expertise of Dr. Reza Kazemi, we will also be assisting you with a team of internationally renowned consultants. Please feel free to contact us regarding questions around your campaign as well as for Press, Radio and TV inquiries. Further details can be provided to you on request.
TV Live-Performance by Dr. Reza Kazemi during PrimeTime on TV NewsOne (NewsChannel in Russian | English version: coming soon)

References in local campaigns: Individual candidate consultation. Strategic campaign preparation. Campaign accompaniment.
The specialization in campaigning strategy, voter psychology and the experience gained in international consultations include personal coaching for direct candidates, the strategic designing, conception and an on-site supervision of election campaigns. In addition to the consultation, our professional campaign consultants furthermore offer seminars and workshops on all topics regarding all issues around the question of “How to win an election campaign?”. The content of each workshop will be individually tailored to the content and time requirements of the candidates and organizations. In the following you will find further impressions and examples from past election campaigns on different political levels.
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Tools & Technologies: The most effective Innovations for you election campaign.
This is how an election campaign has to be run: 15x core steps that are really working
Do you have a municipal election, mayoral election or general election?
And do you want to know how an effective door-to-door election campaign has to be managed or do you want to learn more about which are the 11x most important mistakes that we recommend you to not do?
Then you are exactly right at this section: HERE we give away our e-book (NOTE: currently in German, for requests in English please contact us by email).
“Die hochinnovative Technologie der TalkTOO! Telefonversammlung ermöglicht es Politikern und Parteien näher zu den Bürgern zu kommen. Diese neue Technik ermöglicht es unbegrenzt vielen Teilnehmern, per Telefon den Politikern zuhören und auch Fragen stellen zu können. Es ist ein System, welches zukünftig von Parteien eingesetzt werden soll, um mit der Parteibasis stärker in Kontakt zu…
What is the world’s most effective campaign technology?
CAMPAIGNS & TECHNOLOGY: High-Tech-Solutions for your Election Campaign
High-tech and Marketing are two areas that combined with each other, will develop an enormous power in professional campaigning. This includes two areas:
1. High-tech tools for communicating with and involving people: In addition to the implementation of campaign planning, mobilization, member motivation, recruitment, opinion polling, oposition reserach…, we also recommend to open a new window within modern campaign communication, which is: the technology.
2. Awarded and known internationally, we are providers of rare campaigning tools that are unique in the worldwide comparison. To give you an example in mass communication: with our TalkTOO technology you will be enabled to simultaneously and interactively run live discussions by using a phone to reach out for a phone call with thousands of people – at the same time. To give you another example: We can simultanously spread your message out by sending millions of WhatsApp messages to all your supporters – within the shortest time possible.
Sein heißt gesehen werden. Um wahrgenommen zu werden, müssen Sie auffallen! Und wenn Sie als Kandidat auffallen – und die Aufmerksamkeit gewinnen – haben Sie noch
Telefonieren Sie live und gleichzeitig mit Tausenden. Geben Sie Ihrer Zuhörerschaft die Möglichkeit Ihnen interaktiv per Telefon Fragen zu stellen.
Nutzen Sie die praktischen Redenbausteine zu allen politschen Themen. Stellen Sie sich Ihre individuelle Rede mit wenigen Klicks bequem zusammen. Darüber hinaus haben Sie Zugriff auf
Automatisiertes Marketingsystem Massen-SMS E-Mail-Kampagnen Qualitative Möglichkeiten: z.B. Auswertung: wer hat sich welche „Themen“ und „Materialien“ angesehen?
Erhalten Sie ein besonders günstiges Spendentool: Sie zahlen nur dann, wenn auch wirklich nur eine Spende eingeht!
Political Advertising - Research of Effectiveness: To let you know what really is working in your campaign
Do you have a municipal election, mayoral election or general election?
And do you want to know how your promotional materials and appearances are perceived by voters?
Then you are exactly right at this section: On request we will provide you with an e-book containing the 5x most important advices for successfully designing your campaign materials.

- Measuring and changing perceptions:
What kind of image is being created if a politician is having a certain performance? How is the perception of the voters being changed with having these performances, messages, speeches, …? How can you change your perception to a more positive candidate image – without being unauthentic? Instruments used for the measurement are for example: focus groups, eye-tracking measurements, real-time-response instruments, software-driven mimic analysis of recipients (“facial coding”) and even more advanced methods.

2. Measuring and changing images:
- How eye-catching is your ad, commercial, website, mailing, etc.?
- Which image areas are perceived by the voter?
- When and how long does the look of the campaign’s logo fall?
- Will the name of the candidate and the text be read?
- Can the recipient remember the candidate and the related content?
- Which ad design drafts works better?
- Is the ad placed correctly within the media (e.g., newspaper, website, …)?

3. Political Advertising research by using RTR, Eye-Tracking, Mimik-Analyssis and qualitative research:
- 90% of the information, that are communicated to our brains, are coming from visual stimuli.
- From the eye’s retina up to 10 Mio. Bits/Second will reach the human brain.

Learn more: Register here without any obligation!
Tools & Technologies: The most effective Innovations for you election campaign.
This is how an election campaign has to be run: 15x core steps that are really working
Do you have a municipal election, mayoral election or general election?
And do you want to know how an effective door-to-door election campaign has to be managed or do you want to learn more about which are the 11x most important mistakes that we recommend you to not do?
Then you are exactly right at this section: HERE we give away our e-book (NOTE: currently in German, for requests in English please contact us by email).